Portfolio Construction
How We Construct and Manage Clients’ Investment Portfolios
Colter Lewis “Model” Portfolios
The process begins with our model portfolios which we customize based on individual client considerations.
Customized Client Target Portfolio
We evaluate clients’ circumstances and current portfolio and develop customized target strategic asset allocation.
→ Risk Tolerance
We use Venn to analyze risks and forecast returns for variations to our base portfolios.
→ Liquidity Needs
We assess short-term financial plans and passive income requirements, as well as outstanding capital commitments across entities and vehicles.
→ Entity Structure & Tax Sensitivity
We analyze primary entity types and tax implications of various investments and vehicles combined with long-term estate planning.
Model Long-Term Financial Outcomes
We incorporate balance sheet, cash flow, portfolio, and estate planning elements into a model of long-term expected financial outcomes across a range of scenarios.
Optimize Portfolio Construction and Estate Planning
We evaluate and implement adjustments to investment portfolio, cash flow, and estate plan to optimize financial outcomes.
Colter Lewis “Model” Portfolios
We evaluate risk, return, and correlation expectations for each asset class.
Note: Forward-looking asset class returns and volatiles reflect JP Morgan Long Term Capital Market Assumptions for public market assets and Colter Lewis underwriting assumptions for private market assets. Please see the disclaimer section of this presentation for important details.
Note: Forward-looking asset class returns and volatiles reflect JP Morgan Long Term Capital Market Assumptions for public market assets and Colter Lewis underwriting assumptions for private market assets. Please see the disclaimer section of this presentation for important details.
Risk Analytics
We utilize an institutional-quality risk analytics tool designed by Venn/Two Sigma to quantify client risk exposures and construct portfolios accordingly.
Analyzes historical factors that contributed to portfolio return and volatility. Allows scenario analysis of various historical events (e.g., what would have happened to this portfolio in the GFC?) and Colter Lewis simulated scenarios
Factor Analysis
Based on the factors that drove historical performance and incorporate Colter Lewis adjustments to asset class performance expectations
Optimization engine uses factor analysis, and Colter Lewis imposed portfolio/asset class constraints to propose optimal allocations in order to meet return and volatility objectives